Tuesday, January 10, 2012

No dream is ever too big, no dreamer is ever too small,.

Todays quotes,,
no dream is ever too big, no dreamer is ever too small.. =)
i've learn a lot today,,
while im administrating the libry, i saw a book written by Rhonda Byrne..
i haven done reading yet,, but what i know is, that book told about the power of our feeling..
so, what can i conclude from both, today's quote and the book is:
1. what we want, we can make it true by our own feeling.. neither negative feeling..
kadang2 kita just say or feeling that way, tapi kalau yang positive its okay,, cuba kalau dalam keadaan perasaan tu negative pulak,, the things will be in opposite site..
2. Believe on your own feeling,. you can change your life by changing your thoughts and feeling
3. when you are feeling any good feelings, try fikir kan semua yang kita suka,. dalam mase yang same, berangan la yang baik2 dan usaha,, =) insyaallah you'll get what you want..=)
thats all,,


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